I am an artisan of words
Which I sculpt, chisel and fashion the way I can;
I am a creator of worlds;
I pour my emotion into the poems I write.
I breathe life into them, blow them skywards
And finish them only when they sound right.

These remnants of thought without reason
Will remain on pages season after season
Long after I'm gone; when my task is done
The love, the longing, the pain
Will be evoked then by somebody else
Who in turn will remember and write again
To create another slow soft song
That people can read and draw into their hearts
Then pillowed by words, cushioned by dreams
My poems will ride high the moonbeams.

Copyright: Rani Turton 2007

Friday, February 27, 2009

Carved Window, Paris

Stone carved window, Paris.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Figure On Wooden Beam, Auxerre

The details and wooden carvings on the columns, beams, doors or portices of houses in the region of Bourgogne are spectacular. Here is one such carving.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cathedral St Etienne, Auxerre, Bourgogne

I had to take this photograph from a rather strange angle. But I think the result is worth it. The stone carving is magnificent. The splendour of this handworked stone is always inspiring. Click on the photographs to see the details.
Extract from:
With thanks to Rana and Rani.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Blissful Existence


What a wonderful world

This Existence has provided us with

But even to know it that way,

You will need the eyes and ears for it.


Where every day as the night ends,

The whole world comes to life

From the birds to all creatures

All become active and throbbing with life.


Where the sun everyday rises punctually

Without even a single holiday

Light and warmth that it provides with,

Gives comfort to everyone day after day.

Where a lot of different climates

Are there for us to experience

And for such variety of seasons,

Nature takes nothing, not even once


Where there is beautiful greenery

And flowers of all colour and shade

From the lotus to rose are different smells

And even colours like yellow and red.


Where every day the sunset creates

The most largest and natural canvas

Whose painter is really unknown but

Every other painter, he definitely does surpass.


Where an unknown musician creates music

Through the orchestra of a river or a bird

Which is of divine quality and the best

But to know this, it has to be heard.


Where every day the night falls,

And everything goes into a deep sleep,

It is a moment of complete rest

And eternal peace so profound and deep.

Achyut Telang.

Copyright: Achyut Telang

Extract from Achyut's blog:

Achyut kindly gave me the permission to produce his inspiring poem in my blog. Hope to see you again, Achyut, in these pages.

Monday, February 9, 2009

This Emptiness Within: Poem

This Emptiness Within

This emptiness within, an utter stillness that could,

Would, should remain transfixed by eternity

Not a sunyatian stillness not the perfect void

A void, no, rather devoid

Not a perfect vacumn not even the space

To fill up a space that

Silences and stillness from analysis

Springs nought; not the naught but the knot

And the stillness and the silence in empty hearts

As far from perfection as existence

As far from existence as perfection

From where perfection springs

From the depth of the naughts

This emptiness within, then as still

As far from perfection's existence

As from perfecting existence

Transcends and permeates the fickle uneasy mind

Leaving mind and thought and emotion far, far behind.

Copyright: Rani Turton

Wednesday, February 4, 2009